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Resources to help you get started

Building AI Assistants: A Comprehensive Guide

For years, a giant mystery confounded the world of medicine. How do proteins fold?  The answer, elusive, held the key to life itself. Then, a heroic AI agent – AlphaFold, emerged from DeepMind’s depths. It tackled the giant. And won. AlphaFold produces highly accurate protein structures The implications? Beyond staggering. AlphaFold is just the beginning. […]

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Generative AI in Insurance: Introduction and Key Trends

Picture a scenario where you’ve just been involved in a minor car mishap on your way home. The usual protocol would involve a lengthy wait for an insurance adjuster’s inspection and assessment. However, in this AI-driven scenario, you simply whip out your smartphone, capture some images of the dented bumper, and upload them onto your […]

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The Evolution of Pension Risk Transfer: Past, Present and Future

Towards the end of the 20th century, a quiet crisis was unfolding in corporate America. Major organizations like General Motors, a colossus in its prime, grappled with a promise made in simpler times: secure pensions for its workers. As workers walked through the once-hallowed halls, they saw concern etched on the faces of executives. The […]

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